Land Design Publishing was established in 1980 to handle the printing and distribution of books written by Bob Perry. The current publication, Landscape Plants for California Gardens has been prepared in digital media for layout and direct to plate printing.
Robert Perry is Professor Emeritus of Landscape Architecture at Cal Poly Pomona. His academic career began in 1972 and still continues today. During this time he has taught in the UCLA Extension Program in Landscape Architecture, Landscape Architecture Studies at USC, and at Cal Poly University Pomona. His career has been focussed on the study of plants and water conservation. Bob has written two previous books on landscape plants and water conservation including: Trees and Shrubs for Dry California Landscapes, 1980, and Landscape Plants for Western Regions, 1992. His latest effort, Landscape Plants for California Gardens, continues in this tradition. This latest book greatly expands the scope of coverage and thoroughness of photography.
Bob has been a licensed landscape architect since 1972 and has actively participated in many professional projects where his expertise on California native plants and landscapes for water conservation has been applied and refined. He continues to be an active proponent of resource conservation in landscapes through teaching, writing, public speaking and professional work.
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