The goal of Landscape Plants for California Gardens is twofold. One goal is to provide a comprehensive illustrated reference of plants that are commonly grown in public landscapes and personal gardens throughout California. The second goal is to encourage and provide information that helps to conserve water usage in landscapes and gardens.
In response to the first goal, this book contains an Illustrated Plant Compendium containing written descriptions of more than 2,100 plants that are illustrated with over 3,100 color photographs. Written descriptions contain information about plant origin, physical characteristics, adaptations and horticultural and design uses. The second goal is addressed by providing information on California climate zones, estimated water needs of plants, planting palettes and checklists that are organized and coordinated to facilitate choices that can help conserve outdoor water use.
Section One of Landscape Plants for California Gardens provides a summary of information regarding California plant climate zones and estimated water needs of plants and landscapes. A combination of maps, tables and calculations are provided for use in selecting plants, organizing hydrozones and preparing estimated water budgets. By understanding the adaptations of plants to temperature and moisture, it becomes possible to match them to various conditions found throughout the state and within specific planting situations.
This section contains a number of special purpose lists of plants that are designed to provide a range of planting choices for specific needs and interests. Each list is organized into an alphabetical listing of plants and includes information regarding plant factors that represent estimated percentages of supplemental and irrigation groups that indicate the seasonal moisture needs of plants. Several lists bring attention to plants that grow well together due to their geographic and climatic adaptations. Other lists cover a range of functional uses and aesthetic characteristics of plants.
Section Three presents 28 horticultural palettes that can be applied to various landscape and garden situations in many climate zones. Each palette lists plants that have compatible cultural preferences for temperature and moisture and embrace a coherent design aesthetic. Trees are the foundation of these palettes. Trees contribute to the structure and organization of landscapes and gardens, as well as serve as an overstory to provide shelter to understory and perimeter shrubs, ground covers, perennials and vines. These palettes provide a model that are intended to be flexible and adaptable to various project situations.
The illustrated plant compendium in Landscape Plants for California Gardens is the most comprehensive source of color images and descriptions for California native and ornamental plants grown in California. More than 2,100 plants are described; many are illustrated with two pictures apiece. Over 3,000 pictures are included to provide close-up views for identification and detail while overall images show overall form and character. This combination of text and images provides a remarkable reference for designers, horticulturists and interested gardeners.